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School Board Information

The North Star School Board of Directors consists of nine elected community members from three voting regions in the district.  Each region elects three members to a four-year term of office.

Region 1 =     Jenner Township #1; Jenner Township #3
Region 2 =     Boswell Borough; Jennerstown Borough; Jenner Township #2
Region 3 =     Hooversville Borough; Quemahoning Township; Stoystown Borough 

Regular School Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, with the exception of the December Reorganization and Regular Meeting, which is held on  Monday in the first week of December. Regular meetings are held in the Library at NS Central Elementary at 7:00 PM.

Additional public meetings may be scheduled throughout the year and are advertised in the Somerset Daily American.

The board meeting schedule is linked on the right of this webpage. The public is invited to attend our board meetings.  Time for public comment is scheduled during the early part of the meeting.  

Effective October 13, 2020 the District is using Board Docs for our Board of Education Agendas and Minutes. Please click on the attached link to access Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes: