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PowerSchool/Schoology » Schoology Information

Schoology Information

Schoology Information
for Parents and Guardians

If you have not already signed up for a parent account in Schoology, contact your child’s school at the number listed below for your child’s unique access code and follow the steps below. Creating an account in Schoology will allow parents to monitor their child’s school learning and activities, communicate with teachers, and view important announcements.

  1. In your browser, navigate to
  2. Select “Parent”.
  3. Enter your child’s access code.
  4. Enter your name, email address, and password. Once you log in, you’ll be able to browse your child’s activity by clicking the arrow to the right of your name and selecting your child’s name from the top right drop-down menu.
  5. You also have the option to associate additional children using Schoology with this account. To associate additional children, click the down-facing arrow in the top right of your Schoology account, select Add Child, and enter the Parent Access Code of your other child/children.
For a step-by-step guide to setting up and using your Parent/Guardian Schoology account, click on the button below.
School Building Contact Information
  • Central Elementary 814-629-5627
  • North Star Middle School 814-893-5616
  • North Star High School 814-629-6651
Schoology Information
for Students
To log in to North Star's Schoology site:
  1. Go to or click on the Schoology Icon at the top of this site.
  2. Click on your name.
  3. All of your teacher's pages will be under "Courses" at the very top.  Different groups and activities that have Schoology pages can be found under "Groups."
  4. You can view your messages and contact your teachers by clicking on the envelope icon at the top near your name.
There are many other parts to Schoology that you will learn how to use as they are needed in your classes.  If you have any questions, ask your teachers.