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Special Education » Parent Training Video Series

Parent Training Video Series

Parent Training Video Series:  The Six Principles of Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
How does my child become eligible for special education supports and services?  Watch this video for more information: 

Special Education Eligibility


What is the Evaluation Report?  Watch this video for more information:

Special Education Evaluations


What is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?  Watch this video for more information:

What is an IEP?


Why is it important for me to attend my child's IEP?  When does my child need to attend? (this video states that a child is required to attend at age 15.  In the State of Pennsylvania the age is 14).

Parent and Student Participation at the IEP Meeting


What is meant by the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?  Watch this video for more information.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)


What re my rights as a parent of a student with a disability? Procedural Safeguards information is included in this video:

My Rights as a parent (Procedural Safeguards)


Videos from the following source: